
Biological Surveys and Assessment

Peterman, W.E., J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns. 2013. Using species distribution and occupancy modeling to guide survey efforts and assess species status. Journal for Nature Conservation.

Stribling, J., B. Sweeney, J. Morse, G. Corkum, G. Lester, S. Miller, R. Mitchell, B. Poulton, S. Strachan, and M. Wetzel. 2012. Taxonomic certification versus the scientific method: a rebuttal of Rogers (2012). Zootaxa 3359:65-68.

Huang, J., Y. Cao, and K.S. Cummings. 2011. Assessing sampling adequacy of mussel diversity surveys in wadeable Illinois streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30(4):923-934.


Taft, J.B., and E.L. Smith. 2013. A field test of regeneration niche for an isolated population of violet collinsia (Collinsia violacea). Ecological Restoration 31:57-62.

Taft, J.B., and J.O. Dawson. 2011. Evidence for community structuring associated with the actinorhizal shrub Ceanothus americanus in tallgrass prairies in Illinois, USA. Functional Plant Biology 38:711-719.

Taft, J.B., L.R. Phillippe, C. Dietrich, and K.R. Robertson. 2011. Grassland composition, structure, and diversity patterns along major environmental gradients in the Central Tien Shan. Plant Ecology 212:1349-1361.

Sivicek, V., and J.B. Taft. 2011. Functional Group Density as an index for assessing floristic integrity in tallgrass prairie. Ecological Indicators 11:1251-1258.

Taft, J.B., R.C. Anderson, and L. Iverson. 2009. Vegetation ecology and change in terrestrial ecosystems. Chapter 4, In: C.A. Taylor, J.B. Taft, and C.E. Warwick (eds.). Canaries in the Catbird Seat – The Past, Present, and Future of Biological Resources in a Changing Environment. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication No. 30, Champaign, IL. 306 pp.

Taft, J.B., and A. Plocher. 2009. Wetland vegetation – trends and habitat characteristics. Chapter 5, In: C.A. Taylor, J.B. Taft, and C.E. Warwick (eds.). Canaries in the Catbird Seat – The Past, Present, and Future of Biological Resources in a Changing Environment. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication No. 30, Champaign, IL. 306 pp.

Taft, J.B., B. Molano-Flores, and J. Dawson. 2009.Restoration in terrestrial plant communities—examples from the prairie-forest transition zone. Chapter 14, In: C.A. Taylor, J.B. Taft, and C.E. Warwick (eds.). Canaries in the Catbird Seat – The Past, Present, and Future of Biological Resources in a Changing Environment. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication No. 30, Champaign, IL. 306 pp.

Taft, J.B. 2009. Effects of overstory stand density and fire on ground layer vegetation in oak woodland and savanna habitats. In: Hutchinson, T. F. (ed.). Proceedings of the 3rd Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference; 2008 May 20-22; Carbondale, IL. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-46. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station.

Taft, J.B., C. Hauser, and K.R. Robertson. 2006. Estimating floristic integrity in tallgrass prairie. Biological Conservation 131:42-51.

Taft, J.B. 2003. Fire effects on community structure, composition, and diversity in a dry sandstone barrens. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 130:170-192.


Duggan, J.M., E.J. Heske, and R.L. Schooley. 2012. Gap-crossing decisions by adult Franklin’s ground squirrels in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Mammalogy 93:1231-1239.

Heske, E.J., T.W. Rodgers, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2011. Detection bias in noninvasive track surveys of mammalian predators in Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 104:137-146.

Duggan, J.M., R.L. Schooley, and E.J. Heske. 2011. Modeling occupancy dynamics of a rare species, Franklin’s ground squirrel, with limited data: are simple connectivity metrics adequate? Landscape Ecology 26:1477-1490.

Horn, J.A., N. Mateus-Pinilla, R.E. Warner, and E.J. Heske. 2011. Home range, habitat use, and activity patterns of free-roaming domestic cats. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1177-1185.

Duggan, J., E.J. Heske, R.L. Schooley, A, Hurt, and A. Whitelaw. 2011. A comparison of live-trapping and use of detection dogs for surveys of Franklin’s ground squirrels. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1209-1217.

Ahlers, A.A., E.J. Heske, R.L. Schooley, and M.A. Mitchell. 2010. Home ranges and space use of muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) in restricted linear habitats. Wildlife Biology 16:400-408.

Ahlers, A.A., R.L. Schooley, E.J. Heske, and M.A. Mitchell. 2010. Effects of flooding and riparian buffers on survival of muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) across a flashiness gradient. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88:1011-1020.

Levengood, J.M., and E.J. Heske. 2007. Heavy metal exposure, reproductive activity, and demographic patterns in white-footed mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) inhabiting a contaminated wetland. Science of the Total Environment 389:320-328.

Rowe, K.C., E.J. Heske, and K.N. Paige. 2006. Comparative phylogeography of eastern chipmunks and white-footed mice in relation to the individualistic nature of species. Molecular Ecology 15:4003-4020.

Merritt, J.F., S. Churchfield, R. Hutterer, and B. Sheftel (eds.). 2005. Advances in the biology of shrews II. Special Publication, International Society of Shrew Biologists, No. 01:1-468.

Tchabovsky, A., J.F. Merritt, and D.Y. Aleksandrov. 2004. Ranging patterns of two syntopic gerbillid rodents: a radiotelemetry and trapping study in semi-desert habitat of Kalmykia, Russia. Acta Theriologica 49:17-31.


McKim-Louder, M.I., J.P. Hoover, T.J. Benson, and W.M. Schelsky. 2015. Exploitation of a host’s compensatory behavioral response to fecundity reduction. Behavioral Ecology 26(1):255-261.

Robinson, S.K., W.M. Schelsky, and J.P. Hoover. 2013. Does regional landscape composition contribute to the long-term maintenance of generalized parasitism in cowbirds? Chinese Birds 4:31-38.

Mckim-Louder, M.I., J.P. Hoover, T.J. Benson, and W.M. Schelsky. 2013. Juvenile survival in a Neotropical migratory songbird is lower than expected. PLOS one 8:1-10.

Steadman, D.W., J.R. Montambault, S.K. Robinson, S.N. Oswalt, T.J. Brandeis, A.G. Londoño, M.J. Reetz, W.M. Schelsky, N.A. Wright, J.P. Hoover, J. Jankowski, A.W. Kratter, A.E. Martinez, and J. Smith. 2009. Relative abundance, habitat use, and long-term population changes of wintering and resident landbirds on St. John, U. S. Virgin Islands. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 12:41-53.

Yasukawa, K., D.A. Enstrom, P.G. Parker, and T.C. Jones. 2009. Epaulet color and sexual selection in the Red-winged Blackbird: a field experiment. The Condor 111:740-751.

Yasukawa, K., L.K. Butler, and D.A. Enstrom. 2009. Intersexual and intrasexual consequences of epaulet colour in male red-winged blackbirds: an experimental approach. Animal Behaviour. 77:531-540.

Mengelkoch, J.M., G.J. Niemi, and R.R. Regal. 2004. Diet of the nestling Tree Swallow. Condor 106(2):423-429.

Schelsky, W. 2004. Research and conservation of forest dependent tinamou species in Amazonia Peru. Neotropical Ornithology 15:317-321.

Wikelski, M., L. Spinney, W. Schelsky, A. Scheuerlein, and E. Gwinner. 2003. Slow pace of life in tropical sedentary birds: a common-garden experiment on four stonechat populations from four different latitudes. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 1531:2383-2388.

Johnson, K.P., B.L. Williams, D.M. Drown, R.J. Adams, and D.H. Clayton. 2002. The population genetics of host specificity: Genetic differentiation in dove lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera). Molecular Ecology 11:25-38.

Johnson, K.P., D.M. Drown, D.H. Clayton. 2001. A data based parsimony method of cophylogenetic analysis. Zoologica Scripta 30:79-87.

Johnson, K.P. 2001. Taxon sampling and the phylogenetic position of Passeriformes: Evidence from 916 avian cytochrome b sequences. Systematic Biology 50:128-136.

Johnson, K.P., and J. Seger. 2001. Elevated rates of nonsynonymous substitutions in island birds. Molecular Biology and Evolution 18:874-881.

Johnson, K.P., F.R. Adler, and J.L. Cherry. 2000. Genetic and phylogenetic consequences of island biogeography. Evolution 54:387-396.

Hill, J.A., D.A. Enstrom, E.D. Ketterson, V. Nolan Jr., and C. Ziegnefus. 1999. Mate choice based on static versus dynamic secondary sexual traits in the dark-eyed junco. Behavioral Ecology 10:91-96.

Bildstein, K. L., W. Schelsky, J. Zalles and S. Ellis. 1998. Conservation status of tropical raptors. Journal Raptor Research 32:3-18.

Enstrom, D.A., E.D. Ketterson, and V. Nolan Jr. 1997. Testosterone and mate choice in the dark-eyed Junco. Animal Behaviour 54:1135-1146.

Enstrom, D.A. 1992. Delayed plumage maturation in orchard orioles (Icterus spurius): tests of communication hypotheses. Animal Behaviour 45:463-472.

Aquatic and Terrestrial Macroinvertebrates

Annelida (segmented worms)

Reynolds, J.W., and M.J. Wetzel. 2023. Nomenclatura Oligochaetologica –  A catalogue of names, type specimens, and descriptions of the Oligochaeta. Editio Secunda.  A web-based nomenclator. 

Magalhães, W.F.,  P. Hutchings, A. Oceguera-Figueroa, P. Martin, R.M. Schmelz, M.J. Wetzel, H. Wiklund,  N.J. Maciolek, G.Y. Kawauchi, and J.D. Williams. 2021. Segmented worms (Phylum Annelida): a celebration of twenty years of progress through Zootaxa and call for action on the taxonomic work that remains. Zootaxa 4979(1): 190–211.

Wetzel, M.J. and J.W. Reynolds. 2021.A preliminary inventory of earthworms (Annelida, Clitellata) of the Nachusa Grasslands Area, Lee and Ogle Counties, Illinois, USA. Megadrilogica 26(8): 91–125.

Reeves W.K., J.R. Shaw, and M.J. Wetzel. 2021. Cognettia sphagnetorum (Vejdovský, 1878) (Annelida, Clitellata, Enchytraeidae) in North America, with molecular support. Check List 17 (3): 979–983.

Robinson, J.L., M.J. Wetzel, and J.S. Tiemann. 2017. Some phoretic associations of macroinvertebrates on transplanted federally endangered freshwater mussels. Northeastern Naturalist 24(4): N29–N34.

Rota, E., S. Martinsson, M. Bartoli, A. Beylich, U. Graefe, A. Laini, M.J. Wetzel, and C. Erséus. 2016. Mitochondrial evidence supports a Nearctic origin for the spreading limicolous earthworm Sparganophilus tamesis Benham, 1892 (Clitellata, Sparganophilidae). Contributions to Zoology 85(1): 113–119.

Martinsson, S., Y. Cui, P.J. Martin, A. Pinder, K. Quinlan, M.J. Wetzel, and C. Erséus. 2015. DNA-barcoding of invasive European earthworms (Clitellata: Lumbricidae) in south-western Australia. Biological Invasions 17(9): 2527–2532.

Reynolds, J.W., and M.J. Wetzel. 2014.  A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbridicae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) in Michigan, USA.  Megadrilogica 17(5): 51–72.

Major, K., D.J. Soucek, R. Giordano, M.J. Wetzel, and F. Soto-Adames. 2013.  The common ecotoxicology laboratory strain of Hyalella azteca is genetically distinct from most wild strains sampled in eastern North America.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 32(11): 2637–2647.

Reynolds, J.W., and M.J. Wetzel. 2012. Terrestrial Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) in North America, including Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Bermuda. III. Megadrilogica 15(8):191–214.

Krysko, K.L., M.C. Granatosky, J.C. Anderson, M.J. Wetzel, and D.J. Klemm. 2012. The occurrence of the leech Placobdella papillifera (Hirudinida, Glossiphoniidae) on the Florida watersnake, Nerodia fasciata. Herpetological Review 43(2):347-348.

Reynolds, J.W. and M.J. Wetzel. 2011. The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, and Sparganophilidae) of Illinois, USA. Megadrilogica 15(4):35–67.

Martin, P., E. Martinez-Ansemil, A. Pinder, T. Timm, and M.J. Wetzel. 2008. Global diversity of oligochaetous clitellates (“Oligochaeta”; Clitellata) in freshwater. Pp. 117–127, In E.V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens, eds. Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment. Hydrobiologia 595(1).

Erséus, C., M.J. Wetzel, and L. Gustavsson. 2008. ICZN rules – a farewell to Tubificidae (Annelida, Clitellata). Zootaxa 1744:66–68.

Readel, A.M., C.A. Phillips, and M.J. Wetzel. 2008. Leech parasitism in a turtle assemblage: effects of host and environmental characteristics. Copeia 2008(1):225–231.

Wetzel, M.J., and M.A.P. Morgan. 2007. Aquatic microdrile oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee. Pp. 153-158, In: P. Cox, (ed.). The Great Smoky Mountains National Park All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory: A Search for Species in Our Own Backyard. Southeastern Naturalist 6 (Special Issue 1). 238 pp.

Kathman, R.D., and M.J. Wetzel. 2003. Allonais inaequalis (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) in North America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 116(3):548–556.

Wetzel, M.J., and S.J. Taylor. 2001. First records of freshwater oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) from caves in Illinois and Missouri, USA. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 63(3):99-104.

Britton, D.K., and M.J. Wetzel. 1999. First records for freshwater oligochaetes (Annelida, Oligochaeta, Naididae) in the Hawaiian Islands with notes on their association with an alien snail (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Ampullariidae). Occasional Papers of the Bishop Museum – Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1998 59(Part 2):39–42.

Wetzel, M.J., G. Oberlin, and D.W. Blinn. 1999. The aquatic Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) of Montezuma Well, Arizona: a near thermally constant limnocrene. Southwestern Naturalist 44(4):514–518.

Wetzel, M.J. 1992. Aquatic Annelida of Illinois: Introduction and checklist of species. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 85(1&2):87–101.

Mollusca – freshwater snails (Gastropoda)

Tiemann, J.S, W.R. Posey, K.S. Cummings, K.J. Irwin, and B. Turner. 2013. First occurrences of Lithasia armigera and Lithasia verrucosa (Gastropoda: Pleuroceridae) in the Mississippi River. Southeastern Naturalist 12(4):N35-N39.

Johnson, P.D., A.E. Bogan, K.M. Brown, N.M. Burkhead, J.R. Cordeiro, J.T. Garner, P.D. Hartfield, D.A.W. Lepitzki, G.L. Mackie, E. Pip, T.A. Tarpley, J.S. Tiemann, N.V. Whelan, and E.E. Strong. 2013. Conservation Status of Freshwater Gastropods of Canada and the United States. Fisheries 38(6):247-282.

Tiemann, J.S., and K.S. Cummings. 2010. New record for the freshwater snail Lithasia geniculata(Gastropoda: Pleuroceridae) in the Ohio River, Illinois, with comments on potential threats to the population. Southeastern Naturalist 9(1):171-176.

Tiemann, J.S., and K.S. Cummings. 2008. Sinistral Campeloma decisum (Say, 1817) (Gastropoda: Viviparidae) from the Fox River, Illinois. Nautilus 122(4):259-260.

Mollusca – freshwater mussels (Unionoidea)

Robinson, J.L., M.J. Wetzel, and J.S. Tiemann. 2017. Some phoretic associations of macroinvertebrates on transplanted federally endangered freshwater mussels. Northeastern Naturalist24(4): N29-N34.

Tiemann, J.S., K.S. Cummings, and J.E. Schwegman. 2013. First occurrence of the bankclimber Plectomerus dombeyanus (Mollusca: Unionidae) in Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 106:1-2.

Huang, J., Y. Cao, and K.S. Cummings. 2011. Assessing sampling adequacy of mussel diversity surveys in wadeable Illinois streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30(4):923-934.

Tiemann, J.S. 2010. Status of the snuffbox mussel Epioblasma triquetra (Rafinesque) in Illinois: a functionally extirpated species. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 103(1&2):51- 56.

Tiemann, J.S., S.E. McMurray, G.T. Watters, and M.C. Barnhart. 2010. A review of the interactions between catfishes and freshwater mollusks in North America. Pages 733-743, In: Catfish 2010: P.H. Michaletz and V.H. Travnichek, editors. Conservation, ecology, and management of catfish: the second international symposium. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 77, Bethesda, Maryland.

Tiemann, J.S., K.S. Cummings, and C.A. Mayer. 2009. Timed search technique used to evaluate freshwater mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) species richness: is one visit enough? Journal of Freshwater Ecology 24(1):85-92.

Graf, D.L., and K.S. Cummings. 2007. Review of the systematics and global diversity of freshwater mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionoida). Journal of Molluscan Studies 73(3):291-314.

Tiemann, J.S., H.R. Dodd, N. Owens, and D.H. Wahl. 2007. Effects of lowhead dams on unionids in the Fox River, Illinois. Northeastern Naturalist 14:125-138.

Graf, D.L., and K.S. Cummings. 2006. Palaeoheterodont diversity (Trigonoida + Unionoida): What we know and what we wish we knew about freshwater mussel evolution. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 148(3):343-394.

Lydeard, C., R.H. Cowie, W.F. Ponder, A.E. Bogan, P. Bouchet, S.A. Clark, K.S. Cummings, T.J. Frest, O. Gargominy, D.G. Herbert, R. Hershler, K.E. Perez, B. Roth, M. Seddon, E.E. Strong, and F.G. Thompson. 2004. The global decline of nonmarine mollusks. Bioscience 54(4):321-330.

Williams, J.D., M.L. Warren Jr., K.S. Cummings, J.L. Harris, and R.J. Neves. 1993. Conservation status of the freshwater mussels of the United States and Canada. Fisheries 18(9):6-22.

Cummings, K.S., and C.A. Mayer. 1992. Field guide to freshwater mussels of the Midwest. Illinois Natural History Survey, Manual 5. 194 pp.


Taylor, C.A., and G.A. Schuster. 2010. Monotypic no more, a description of a new crayfish of the genus Barbicambarus Hobbs, 1969 (Decapoda: Cambaridae) from the Tennessee River Drainage using morphology and molecules. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 124(4):324-334.

Taylor, C.A., and D. J. Soucek. 2010. Re-examining the importance of fish in the diets of stream-dwelling crayfishes: implications for food web analyses and conservation. American Midland Naturalist 163:280-293.

Taylor, C.A., and G.A. Schuster. 2004. The Crayfishes of Kentucky. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication No. 28. 227 pp.

Aquatic Insects and other Arthropods

Robinson, J.L., M.J. Wetzel, and J.S. Tiemann. 2017. Some phoretic associations of macroinvertebrates on transplanted federally endangered freshwater mussels. Northeastern Naturalist24(4): N29-N34.

Tiemann, J.S., D.P. Gillette, M.L. Wildhaber, and D.R. Edds. 2005. Effects of lowhead dams on the EPT group in a North American river. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 20(3):519-525.

Major, K., D.J. Soucek, R. Giordano, M.J. Wetzel, and F. Soto-Adames. 2013. The common ecotoxicology laboratory strain of Hyalella azteca is genetically distinct from most wild strains sampled in eastern North America. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32(11): 2637–2647.

Terrestrial Insects

Dmitriev, D.A. 2010. Homologies of the head of membracoidea based on nymphal morphology with notes on other groups of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). European Journal of Entomology 107:597-613.

Dmitriev, D.A., and C.H. Dietrich. 2008. Rapid taxonomic revisions using Internet-integrated relational databases: an example using Erythroneura (sensu lato). Bulletin of Insectology 61(1):113-114.

Dmitriev, D.A., and R.A. Rakitov. 2008. Decoding of superimposed traces produced by direct sequencing of heterozygous indels. PLoS Comput. Biol. 4(7): art. e1000113. P. 1-10, suppl. 5. (doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000113).

Dmitriev, D.A. 2002. General morphology of leafhopper nymphs of the subfamily Deltocephalinae (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Acta Entomologica Slovenica 10(1):65-82.


Tiemann, J.S., T.D. Thomas, and J.M. Epifanio. 2015. Distribution and status of the state-endangered redspotted sunfish Lepomis miniatus in Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 108:13-15.

Tiemann, J.S., and M.H. Sabaj. 2012. Illinois status survey of the redside dace Clinostomus elongatus: the newest addition to the state’s native fauna. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 105(3&4):145-152.

Tiemann, J.S., C.A. Taylor, and J.H. Knouft. 2012. Conservation review of the longnose dace Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes) in northwestern Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 105(1&2):57-64.

Tiemann, J.S., and J.L. Sherwood. 2011. Status, distribution, and habitat preferences of the stripetail darter Etheostoma kennicotti and spottail darter Etheostoma squamiceps in the Shawnee National Forest, Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 104 (3&4):151-160.

Tiemann, J.S., S.E. McMurray, G.T. Watters, and M.C. Barnhart. 2010. A review of the interactions between catfishes and freshwater mollusks in North America. Pages 733-743, In: Catfish 2010: P.H. Michaletz and V.H. Travnichek, editors. Conservation, ecology, and management of catfish: the second international symposium. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 77, Bethesda, Maryland.

Taylor, C.A., and D.J. Soucek. 2010. Re-examining the importance of fish in the diets of stream-dwelling crayfishes: implications for food web analyses and conservation. American Midland Naturalist 163: 280-293.

Tiemann, J.S. 2008. Distribution and life history characteristics of the state-endangered bluebreast darter Etheostoma camurum (Cope) in Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 101(3&4):235-246.

Tiemann, J.S. 2007. Reproductive traits in the slim minnow (Pimephales tenellus) and the bullhead minnow (Pimephales vigilax). Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 110(3/4):282-284.

Gillette, D.P., J.S. Tiemann, D.R. Edds, and M.L. Wildhaber. 2006. Habitat use by a Midwestern U.S.A. riverine fish assemblage: effects of season, water temperature and river discharge. Journal of Fish Biology 68:1494-1512.


McAllister, C.T., C.R. Bursey, J.A. Crawford, A.R. Kuhns, C. Shaffer and S.E. Trauth. 2010. Metacercariae of Clinostomum (Trematoda: Digenea) from three species of Ambystoma (Caudata: Ambystomatidae) from Arkansas and Illinois, U.S.A. Comparative Parasitology 77(1):25-30).

Allender, M.C, M. Abd-Eldaim, A.R. Kuhns, and M. Kennedy. 2009. Absence of Ranavirus and Herpesvirus in a survey of two aquatic turtle species in Illinois. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 19(1):16-20.

McAllister, C.T., J.A. Crawford, and A.R. Kuhns. 2009. Myxidium serotinum (Protista: Myxozoa) from a Jefferson Salamander (Ambystoma jeffersonianum), in Illinois. Texas Journal of Science 61(1):61-64.

Shepard, D.B., A.R. Kuhns, M.J. Dreslik, and C.A. Phillips. 2008. Roads as barriers to animal movement in fragmented landscapes. Animal Conservation 11:288-296.

Readel, A.M., C.A. Phillips, and M.J. Wetzel. 2008. Leech parasitism in a turtle assemblage: effects of host and environmental characteristics. Copeia 2008(1): 225-231.

Dreslik, M.J., A.R. Kuhns, and C.A. Phillips. 2005. Structure and composition of a southern Illinois freshwater turtle assemblage. Northeasern Naturalist, 12:173-186.

Kuhns, A.R., and J.A. Crawford. 2004. New amphibian and reptile county records for Pulaski County, Illinois. Herpetological Review, 35:419-420.

Dreslik, M.J., A.R. Kuhns, C.A. Phillips, and B.C. Jellen. 2003. Summer home range and movements of the Cooter turtle, Pseudemys concinna in Illinois. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(3):706-710.

Dreslik, M.J., and A.R. Kuhns. 2000. Early season basking in the red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Sciences 93(3):215-220.

Cave Biology

Slay, M.E., P.E. Skelly, and S.J. Taylor. 2012. New records of Onthophagus cavernicollis Howden and Cartwright (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from Ozark caves with a review of scarabaeoids reported from US and Canadian caves. The Coleopterists Bulletin 66(3):187-199.

Disney, R.H.L., S.J. Taylor, M.E. Slay, and J.K. Krejca. 2011. New species of scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) recorded from caves in Nevada, USA. Subterranean Biology 9:73-84.

Vilkamaa, P., H. Hippa, and S.J. Taylor. 2011. The genus Camptochaeta in Nearctic caves, with the description of C. prolixa sp. n. (Diptera, Sciaridae). ZooKeys 135:69-75.

Taylor, S.J., and J.R. Holsinger. 2011. A new species of the subterranean amphipod crustacean genus Stygobromus (Crangonyctidae) from a cave in Nevada, USA. Subterranean Biology 8:39-47.

Wetzel, M.J., and S.J. Taylor. 2001. First records of freshwater oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) from caves in Illinois and Missouri, USA. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 63(3):99-104.

Swayne, H., M. Day, and M.J. Wetzel. 2004. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) in Pop’s Cave, Wisconsin, USA. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 66(1):28-31.


Taylor, S.J., A.C. Phillips, S.L. Post, and S.E. Brown. 2009. An overview of Illinois’ geological history and landscape. Pages 7-23, In: C.A. Taylor, J.B. Taft, and C.E. Warwick (eds.). Canaries in the Catbird Seat – The Past, Present, and Future of Biological Resources in a Changing Environment. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication No. 30, Champaign, IL. 306 pp.

Favret, C., K.S. Cummings, R.J. McGinley, E.J. Heske, K.P. Johnson, C.A. Phillips, L.R. Phillippe, M.E. Retzer, C.A. Taylor, and M.J. Wetzel. 2007 [published in 2008]. Profiling natural history collections: a method for quantitative and comparative health assessment. Collection Forum 22(1-2):53-65.